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Evening and Morning
Evening and Morning


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Code: P700039

Music of Lutheran Daily Prayer

A perfect complement for those who use Treasury of Daily Prayer in their personal time of worship, or for those who desire to connect their personal devotion time to the Churchs pattern of prayer will find this to be a rich and meaningful resource.

What does this provide for you?

An inspirational time of worship during your daily devotion time.

Its all on CDso you can enjoy these musical gems while traveling.

A beautiful set of recordings of the sung and spoken portions of the prayer services offered in Treasury of Daily Prayer. Performed by the Kantorei of Concordia Theological Seminary.

Included are:

  • Matins (8 tracks)
  • Vespers (6 tracks)
  • Morning Prayers (7 tracks)
  • Evening Prayers (8 tracks)
  • Compline (6 tracks)
  • Litany
  • Matins te Deum (sample audio).

The Kantorei is a choir of sixteen male voices from the student body of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. The recordings have been prepared to allow an individual, family, or even a small group to have the support to confidently sing the liturgy of the prayer services.

Choir: The Seminary Kantorei of Concordia Theological Seminary

Director: Richard C. Resch

Organist: Paul J. Grime

Officiant (spoken): Charles Brown

Officiant (sung): Dallas Dubke Jr.

The individual tracks include the following:

  1. Matins Sentences
  2. Matins Venite
  3. Matins Responsory
  4. Matins Te Deum
  5. Matins Benedictus
  6. Matins Kyrie/Our Father
  7. Matins Collect
  8. Matins Benedictus & Benediction
  9. Vespers Sentences
  10. Vespers Responsory
  11. Vespers Magnificat
  12. Vespers Kyrie/Our Father
  13. Vespers Collect
  14. Vespers Benedictus & Benediction
  15. Morning Prayer Sentences
  16. Morning Prayer Venite
  17. Morning Prayer In Many Ways
  18. Morning Prayer Benedictus
  19. Morning Prayer Collect
  20. Morning Prayer Our Father
  21. Morning Prayer Benedictus & Benediction
  22. Evening Prayer Service of Light
  23. Evening Prayer Psalm 141
  24. Evening Prayer In Many Ways
  25. Evening Prayer Magnificat
  26. Evening Prayer Litany
  27. Evening Prayer Collect
  28. Evening Prayer Our Father
  29. Evening Prayer Benedictus & Benediction
  30. Compline Opening Sentences
  31. Compline Confession
  32. Compline Lessons
  33. Compline Responsory
  34. Compline Prayer
  35. Compline Prayers
  36. Compline Our Father
  37. Compline Nunc Dimittis
  38. Compline Benediction
  39. Litany

Media Type: CD
Weight: 60 grams

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