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Return From Exile
Return From Exile
By: Nathan Hedt Book

A Primer in Pastoral Care
A Primer in Pastoral Care
By: Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner Book

Alzheimer's Disease Mini Book
Alzheimer's Disease Mini Book
By: Robert Smith Book

And We Fly Away: Living Beyond Alzheimers
And We Fly Away: Living Beyond Alzheimers
By: Ray Ashford Book

Blessings and Prayers for those with Cancer
Blessings and Prayers for those with Cancer
By: Karen Boerger & Annetta Dellinger Book

Christian Concepts for Care
Christian Concepts for Care
By: David Ludwig & Mary Jacob Book

Faith in the Shadow of a Pandemic
Faith in the Shadow of a Pandemic
By: John Pless & Jacob Corzine Book

Forgetting But Not Forgotten
Forgetting But Not Forgotten
By: Noel Schultz Book

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Now: $4.95

Forgiven to Forgive
Forgiven to Forgive

Gods Children Never Die
Gods Children Never Die
By: Richard E Lauersdorf Book

Holding Up the Prophet's Hand
Holding Up the Prophet's Hand
By: Bruce M Hartung Book

In a Word. Quiet little thoughts about God
In a Word. Quiet little thoughts about God
By: Heidi Floyd Book

Leading on Empty
Leading on Empty
By: Wayne Cordeiro Book

Letters from a Pastor's Heart
Letters from a Pastor's Heart
By: Matthew Harrison Book

Living with Dying
Living with Dying

Mad Church Disease
Mad Church Disease
By: Anne Jackson Book

Ministry In Disaster Settings
Ministry In Disaster Settings
By: Rev Dr Stephen Robinson Book

Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness
Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness
By: (Ed) & R Albers & S Thurber & W Meller Book

Nurturing Hope
Nurturing Hope
By: Lynne M. Baab Book

Of Good Comfort
Of Good Comfort
By: Stephen Pietsch Book

Items per page:   Total pages: 2