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Counselling & Care

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Alzheimer's Disease Mini Book
Alzheimer's Disease Mini Book
By: Robert Smith Book

And We Fly Away: Living Beyond Alzheimers
And We Fly Away: Living Beyond Alzheimers
By: Ray Ashford Book

Blessings and Prayers for those with Cancer
Blessings and Prayers for those with Cancer
By: Karen Boerger & Annetta Dellinger Book

Christian Concepts for Care
Christian Concepts for Care
By: David Ludwig & Mary Jacob Book

Forgetting But Not Forgotten
Forgetting But Not Forgotten
By: Noel Schultz Book

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Now: $4.95

Holding Up the Prophet's Hand
Holding Up the Prophet's Hand
By: Bruce M Hartung Book

In a Word. Quiet little thoughts about God
In a Word. Quiet little thoughts about God
By: Heidi Floyd Book

Living with Dying
Living with Dying

Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness
Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness
By: (Ed) & R Albers & S Thurber & W Meller Book

Nurturing Hope
Nurturing Hope
By: Lynne M. Baab Book

Pastoral Care Companion
Pastoral Care Companion

Pastoral Care Emergencies
Pastoral Care Emergencies
By: David Switzer Book

Pastoral Care Under the Cross
Pastoral Care Under the Cross
By: Richard Eyer Book

Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling
Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling
By: John Kruis Book

Seasons of Grief and Healing
Seasons of Grief and Healing
By: James Miller Book


When a friend dies
When a friend dies
By: Marilyn E Gootman Book

When Faith Is Tested
When Faith Is Tested
By: Jeffry Zurheide Book

When you are coping with infertility
When you are coping with infertility
By: Vera Snow Book

When you are facing a divorce
When you are facing a divorce
By: Jan Jovaag Ansorge Book

When you lose your job
When you lose your job
By: Donna Bennett book

When you parent dies
When you parent dies
By: Ron Klug book

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