Australian Christian Resources |
Equipping the church. Enriching your life!
Australian Christian Resources (ACR) exists to provide high quality Christian resources that will enrich you in your personal faith journey, and equip and enhance the ministry activities of your church.
On this website (shopACR) you will find a wide range of Christian books, bibles, music, gifts and educational resources, as well as resources to directly support churches of all denominations, such as communion cups, altar bread, candles, certificates and much more.
Mission and ministry is at the heart of ACR. From a warehouse in Sydney, we are excited to serve Christians of all denominations, as well as non-Christians who perhaps have an interest to learn more about the Good News. Every person of every age should explore who Jesus Christ was and is. He claimed to be God. It's awesome when you discover for yourself that He was telling the truth! Your life will be better, now and forever.
ACR is an Australian owned business with a history dating back to 1913, when the Lutheran Publishing House commenced operations.
In 1967 the company became Openbook Publishers, the leading provider of cross-denominational theological and liturgical books in Australia. In 2007, the printing side of the business was split off, while the commitment to publishing and distributing high quality Christian resources continued under the name Australian Church Resources, serving customers all over Australia and all over the world.
In 2017, LifeWay proudly brought the business back into church ownership. Any surplus funds go towards ministry. Now known as Australian Christian Resources (still ACR), the business has a fresh new look! See the story of our logo below.
A quill with ink style lettering is a key feature of our logo. At the time of the Reformation movement 500+ years ago, the quill was the writing instrument used by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other reformers to put the knowledge of the Gospel into the hands of the common people. So, the quill is a symbol of knowledge.
The feather of the quill represents a journey. Just as birds migrate over vast distances, so our walk of faith is a journey of discovery as Christ goes before us, teaching us his way, truth and life.
Look closely at the feather and you will see a cross at the centre pointing forward. The cross of Jesus Christ propels us forward, enriching our lives as we share the good news of the Gospel to the world.