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A Practical Christology for Pastoral Supervision
A Practical Christology for Pastoral Supervision
By: Geoff Broughton Book

A Primer in Pastoral Care
A Primer in Pastoral Care
By: Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner Book

Be Our Freedom Lord
Be Our Freedom Lord
By: Terry Falla Book

Burnout in Church Leaders
Burnout in Church Leaders
By: Peter Kaldor Book

Canoeing the Mountains
Canoeing the Mountains
By: Tod Bolsinger Book

Concordia's Complete Bible Handbook
Concordia's Complete Bible Handbook
By: (Ed) & Jane Fryar & Edward Engelbrecht Book

Effective Empowering Elders
Effective Empowering Elders
By: Rick Thompson & Stuart Hofman Book

Forgiven to Forgive
Forgiven to Forgive

Gathered in His Name
Gathered in His Name
By: James F Klawiter Book

God at work. Your christian vocation in all of life
God at work. Your christian vocation in all of life
By: Gene Veith Jr. Book

Incarnational Ministry
Incarnational Ministry
By: Samuel Wells Book

Living Lutheran Renewing your congregation
Living Lutheran Renewing your congregation
By: Dave Daubert Book

Making Room
Making Room
By: Christine Pohl Book

Nurturing Hope
Nurturing Hope
By: Lynne M. Baab Book

Pastoral Care Companion
Pastoral Care Companion

Pastoral Leadership: For the Care of Souls
Pastoral Leadership: For the Care of Souls
By: Harold L. Senkbeil & Lucas V. Woodford Book

Pastoral Visitation
Pastoral Visitation
By: Nancy Gorsuch Book

Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling
Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling
By: John Kruis Book

Servant Leadership
Servant Leadership
By: Jayne Fryer Book

Items per page:   Total pages: 2