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Care Of The Earth
Care Of The Earth
By: Joseph Sittler Book

Greening the Children of God
Greening the Children of God
By: Chad Michael Rimmer Book

How to Become a Multicultural Church
How to Become a Multicultural Church
By: Douglas J. Brouwer Book

In Praise of Congregations: Leadership in the Local Church Today
In Praise of Congregations: Leadership in the Local Church Today
By: Charles E. Bennison, Jr. & Kortright Davis & Adair Lummis & Paula D. Nesbitt Book

Joining God, Remaking Church, and Changing the World
Joining God, Remaking Church, and Changing the World
By: Alan J. Roxburgh Book

The Ordination Of Women: Interdenominational Perspectives
The Ordination Of Women: Interdenominational Perspectives
By: Cathy Thomson & Vic Pfitzner Book

Who Am I?
Who Am I?
By: (Ed) & Scott Ashmon Book

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