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One Word, Many Writings - A study of the origins of religious writings
One Word, Many Writings - A study of the origins of religious writings


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By: Adam Francisco
Code: P700433

A Study of the Origins of Religious Writings. In a culture where it doesnt seem to matter what you believe, it is imperative that Christians can recognize His Word over the many other writings available. One Word, Many Writings digs into the source and origins of other popular holy writings and compares them to the Bible. Writings examined: Old Testament New Testament Gospel of Thomas Quran Analects of Confucius Tao te Ching Lotus Sutra Upanishads Baghavad Gita Book of Mormon New World Translation Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health

Paperback 64p

ISBN: 9780758628251
Media Type: Book
Weight: 200 grams

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