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Card For a Godparent
Card For a Godparent


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Code: P700623

Folded card without envelope

Inside card reads:

The Duties of Godparents

Godparents should be witnesses to our Lord Jesus Christ. All the Christians gathered round the font together represent the Church of Christ, into whose fellowhip the children are received for salvation. But the Godparents also represent the children, promising on their behalf to renounce what is evil, to believe what is true and to do what is right, according to Christ's teaching and example.

Godparents must pray for their Godchildren continually. When the children are handed back after the baptism, they are entrusted to the Godparents' care as well as to that of their father and mother. And immediately afterwards everyone prays that they may lead the rest of their lives according to this holy beginning. So, even if they live far away, Godparents should often think of their Godchildren and pray that God's grace may be with them and lead them through good and ill.

Being a Godparent is like being a second father or mother to the child. With the father and mother, the Godparent will see to the child's Christian upbringing and, if anything were to happen to the parents, should be prepared to assume full responsibility for their Christian education. So a Godparent must love their Godchild like a child of their own. That means far more than giving the child presents. It means being their true friend in their life, while pointing always to the life that only God can give. It means being a witness to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Folded card

ISBN: 9780281046089
Media Type: Other
Weight: 200 grams

Back Print