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The Pastor At Prayer - Revised Edition
The Pastor At Prayer - Revised Edition


On Request

By: George Kraus
Code: P701140


The Pastor At Prayer is a devotional resource designed to assist pastors in their prayer life, strengthen them in their ministry, and provide basic readings and a framework for daily prayer and meditation on God's Word.


A Lutheran, pastoral, devotional prayer guide, centered in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.


"The Pastor at Prayer is a faithful resource that has shaped the devotional life of LCMS pastors for generations. How wonderful to see it refreshed and offered anew. Those of us who cut our devotional teeth on Kraus will be happy to see a delightful blend of old and new."

Rev. Bart Day, Executive Director of National Mission, The Lutheran Church"Missouri Synod

"What a great joy to have Kraus' classic Pastor at Prayer updated and revised for a new generation! Keyed to LSB and the Treasury of Daily Prayer, this little volume will be a huge blessing to today's pastors as they seek to grow in their life of prayer. Yet another CPH homerun!"

William Weedon, LCMS Director of Worship and Chaplain of the International Center

Hardcover 280p

Media Type: Book
Weight: 400 grams

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