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Growing As God's People


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By: (Ed) & David Strelan & Geraldine Soh illustrator
Code: P701630

Introducing the Christian Faith to the Younger Generation using completly re-designed and updated layout and graphics for the 2017+ user but retaining the same accurate, authentic, and reliable 'Growing' teaching text used in the original edition.

BCL editorial team:

As you use this resource, by yourself or in a group or class setting, it can help you:

Know more about Jesus Christ and the good news of the Gospel.

Grow in believing and confessing the Christian faith.

Live a Christian life, with Jesus leading the way.

Face each day with new happiness, purpose, and hope as one of God's forgiven people.

A learning resource based on Luther's Small Catechism

Growing is an important part of your life. And growing as one of God's people in understanding and living the Christian faith is especially important for you.

God makes this kind of growing possible for us. He gives us faith and love for him so that we want to grow in our knowledge of God and in understanding his will for our life. As well, he has given us the means by which growth comes: God's Word and the sacraments through which the Holy Spirit is at Work in our life. As we use these means sincerely, we grow in faith, in knowledge, and in love.

The purpose of this book is to help you grow as a baptised child of God and a member of his church. That is why this book is called: Growing as God's People. God will help you grow in various ways:

in appreciating and faithfully using God's Word and the sacraments;

in knowing and confessing the Christian faith as your own;

in following Jesus as your Lord and living as one of God's people;

in taking your place in the worship and work of your congregation.

You will find many pictures and illustrations in this book. They have been used to help get the message across, and to help you understand better the truths being taught. Of course, growing as a Christian means more than just learning facts about God and his Work. We grow as Christians when the truths we have learned from God's Word lead us to form God-pleasing attitudes, and to live out the truths in our daily life. That is why opportunity is given to talk about what you learn, and why suggestions are made about things you can do in your daily life.

The truths of the Christian faith have been arranged into 40 chapters. You will discover that the lessons follow a certain plan.

Growing as God's People Chinese Edition and Student Workbook also available

Paperback 172p

ISBN: 9780987354167
Media Type: Book
Weight: 520 grams

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