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The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (Used)
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (Used)


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By: Alfred Edersheim
Code: U200935

Alfred Edersheim believed that some knowledge of ancient Jewish society was necessary for the general reader of the New Testament to fully understand Jesus' life and works. Edersheim's The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah is an informal commentary on the Four Gospels, which highlights the intellectual and religious perspectives of the people who lived during the time of Jesus. By consulting both Rabbinic Law and Talmudic writings, Edersheim paints a vivid picture of the various locations where Jesus walked, prayed, and preached. Not only does Edersheim provide useful geographical and political clarifications, he also offers insight into the emotional and psychological experiences of individual Biblical characters. From Jesus' birth, to His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven, Edersheim reports the stages of Jesus' life in exceptional detail, bringing animation and color into a set of stories that may seem distant to readers today. MacDonald Publishing Company, 828p

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ISBN: 0917006127
Media Type: Book
Weight: 1500 grams

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