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The Lost Gospel of Judas  (Used)
The Lost Gospel of Judas (Used)


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By: Stanley E Porter & Gordon L Heath
Code: U201270

With the discovery of the Gospel of Judas came an outpouring of hyperbolic language, both negative and positive. Alongside the loudly stated opinions of historians and scholars was the quiet bewilderment of people who simply weren't sure what to think - confusion not helped by vast, often incorrect, media attention." "In this book Stanley Porter and Gordon Heath set the muddied record straight. After first looking at the initial ballyhoo surrounding the publication of the Gospel of Judas, they carefully set the Gospel in context, providing a brief history of Judas himself as seen in the New Testament and in church history, discussing Gnostic philosophy and other recent textual finds, and examining the content and authenticity of the Gospel of Judas. Porter and Heath's Lost Gospel of Judas sifts through all the evidence and presents the results with scholarly clarity. Eerdmans, 2007 127p

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ISBN: 0802824561
Media Type: Book
Weight: 400 grams

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